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Last updated: Sep 26, 2023

UPSC NDA I Marks of candidates have been released. Earlier, the UPSC NDA Result was announced. This was the final Result for NDA I 2023. A total of 395 vacancies have been released under the recruitment process of UPSC NDA 2. The NDA exam is conducted for admission to the Army, Navy, and Air Force wings. The selection process for the exam includes a Written Exam and SSB Interview. Candidates who get successful selection under UPSC NDA will get a salary range between Rs. 15,600 to Rs. 39,100. Candidates must go through the NDA1 previous year's papers. Attempting the NDA1 mock tests is also essential.

NDA Previous Year Papers 2023 FAQs

Is it important to practice the NDA previous year papers?
Yes, it is extremely important to practice the NDA previous year Question papers.
What are the other preparation tips for the NDA Exam 2023?
Make notes, practice mock tests, know the syllabus and exam pattern etc. are some of the other preparation tips for the NDA Exam 2023.
What are the two subjects for the UPSC NDA Exam 2023?
Maths and GAT are the two subjects for the UPSC NDA Exam 2023.
Will I need an internet connection to attempt the NDA Previous Year Papers?
You will only need internet access to download the PDFs of these previous year papers.
Will Testbook evaluate the previous year papers which I attempted?
No, you will have to self-evaluate your papers after you solve them.
Are the NDA previous year papers and answer key provided on Testbook’s website free of cost?
Yes, the previous year papers provided on Testbook’s website are free of cost.
Will I be able to improve my time management skills if I start attempting the previous year papers?
Yes, you will definitely be able to improve your time management skills if you solve the previous year papers from time to time.
Are the NDA Previous Year Papers and answer key authentic and set according to the exam format of the  Examination?
Yes, the NDA Previous Year question Papers and answer key are authentic and set according to the exam format of the Examination. 
What is the benefit of referring to the UPSC NDA previous year paper?
The UPSC NDA previous year question paper will give you an insight into how the questions were asked.
Will solving the previous year question paper of UPSC NDA be helpful for the preparation of the examination?
Yes, solving the UPSC NDA previous year paper PDF will be helpful for the preparation of the examination.
Are the UPSC NDA previous year question papers with answers authentic and set according to the exam format of the examination?
Yes, the UPSC NDA previous year question papers with answers PDF are authentic and set according to the exam format of the examination.